Functions of Art
Displaying on Virtual Gallery
April 24 - June 1, 2021
Instagram: @usgallerycontemporary
Please visit for more information:
US Gallery Contemporary is a non-profit organization that promotes creativity, learning, and growth in young artists by providing exhibition opportunities. This year, we are hosting an 3D virtual exhibition, “Functions of Art” on our website to promote creative young artists worldwide. This year, we received over 200 artworks from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, etc. We genuinely appreciate all the creativity and thoughtfulness that you put into your artwork! Up to May, 2021, we have been working with over 150 artists around the world to make the world a better place to live. We will continue to work together to enrich our Us Community for people better share their works and voices!
After six months of preparation, Us Gallery Contemporary is proud to invite you to the second annual exhibition Functions of Art. The functions of art are how artists’ expressions give art hidden and non-existent functions of their own. It is diverse expressions that can influence our aesthetic perception of things.
This year Us Gallery has received over 200 artworks, it is an honor for us to showcase 40 + selected art works in this exhibition. Unlike last year, this year Us Gallery divided artists’ works into three categories (Gallery I: Fine Art, Gallery II: Design and Illustration, Gallery III: Film and Photography) and two 3D virtual galleries.
Art means something different to everyone. It could function as a medium to heal people’s hearts, narrate themselves, or commemorate special moments. Of course, art can also act as a record book that reminds us of what has happened around us and prompt us to reflect.
Art is not far from our lives, and it is not difficult to understand it. Artists simply turn their skills in a particular area of expertise into a language system to communicate with the world. Through their language systems, they build bridges with the audience to communicate. This year, Us Gallery is dedicated to showing how art can help people through the different understandings of its functions by artists from all over the world.— Us Gallery Contemporary